HAeading 4
Hip Hop
Hip-Hop 1 (2nd - 3rd):
This introductory hip-hop class will teach the basic forms of the dance style. Uses age appropriate “funky” music and style.
Dress Code: Teacher approved dance attire/Black and white "Converse Chuck Taylor All Star "high-top
Class Length = 60 minute class
Class Cost = $16.57 per class x 35 weeks
Hip-Hop 2 (4th - 5th):
A hip-hop class for the upper elementary studio, this class will teach hip-hop style using age appropriate contemporary music.
Dress Code: Teacher approved dance attire/Black and white "Converse Chuck Taylor All Star "high-top
Class Length = 60 minute class
Class Cost = $16.57 per class x 35 weeks
Hip-Hop 3 (6th - 8th):
With the pre-teen dancer in mind, this hip-hop class will teach a variety of styles in the hip-hop form. Uses age appropriate music and style.
Dress Code: Teacher approved dance attire/Black and white "Converse Chuck Taylor All Star "high-topClass Length = 60 minute class
Class Cost = $$16.57 per class x 35 weeks